Thursday, June 9, 2011

Plan To Succeed

Check Your Blueprints
Thursday June 9, 2011
X60/ SRBike  66/17.33 miles
 There are times when it becomes necessary to alter your plans.  Things happen, change is required.  As an example;  not so very long ago I was able to implement a fitness plan that brought great measurable results.  I got to my goal. However, I had no goal to maintain the goal.  Slowly over time I slipped off the goal and moved back to an uncomfortable place, much less fit than I had previously been.  All along the way I kept clinging to the plan that had brought me great success, but somehow and some way I could not meet the plan's requirements...why?  Well for one reason I had got myself un fit, and could no longer meet the old plan guidelines, I did not acknowledge that at the time and just continued to slip for over a year.  This brings me to the here and now.  The realization that a new and improved plan is needed.  One that is attainable and measurable and one that will bring success and acknowledgment of progress thus furthering ones inspiration.  You see, sticking to an old plan that is really no longer working for you only brings defeat and reinforces defeat within your mind. Adopting and altering to implement a plan that brings success and progress reinforces within the mind that you can, you will, you have a winning plan.  Get back on track with a new plan.  Don't get the blueprint blues, draft a new set of plans!              

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