In perspective what can we really expect as human beings as it relates to our own health and fitness. Given today's society with technological advances and labor saving devices, with jobs sent to country's with the lowest dollar cost and foods sold to the masses that require us only to fill our shopping carts....we can expect that we are a nation in transition. Transition and adaption to a world where the finely designed human body is not required to work as it was designed. We are in fact endurance athletes by design, born to run, to work, to lift heavy obects and work together in community with one another. Our great body and brain have designed ways and methods over hundreds of years to make our lives....easier in terms of much of the physical efforts required to survive in years gone by. Medical advances, drugs to treat and cure illness have led us to live longer. We know so much more now about how to live healthy lives, yet we are in large part not required to use our bodys and therefore many of us do not. We eat too much, we eat a lot of the wrong things, because we can. We enjoy it and so we do it. It's no surprise really, its common sense. When we choose to go after activity and exercise our body's as they were designed good things happen. When we choose to educate the masses and make physcial fitness a real priority in this nation we will see results. Thus far no real mass movement. For now and the forseeable future we are each on our own to learn and think and act and treat our body as it was designed to be treated. This means aerobic exercise people; Walk, Jog, Run, Cycle, Swim, Hike, get up and get out and move, move move....we are truly born to run. Now think about that and think about what you can do to take positive action for you and your body. Go For It!