Monday, April 27, 2009

Today's Workout 4/27/09 & Caught Up

Okay. I have caught up now the blog date is now the actual date for this entry....Monday indeed.
Routine this morning up at 0300. Powered up on 2 mugs of coffee, did my basic core exercies which consist of: pushups, ankle exercises, knee exercises, situps, triceptors, leg stretches and today dumbells. Did 36 easy minutes on the recumbant stationary bike and then went out at 0430 for a 5 mile jog, in the dark as per usual. A little breezy out there, should have layered a short sleeve shirt on but didn't. Warmed up to feel pretty good at 2 to 2.5miles and cruised in at 56 minutes for the run. Cooled down on the treadmill 12 minutes walking. To the shower, and to work. Great way to start the day. Best part of any run? When it's over!

1 comment:

  1. Up at 0300? You're very dedicated. Do what you enjoy, and enjoy what you do. Keep up the great work.
