You want to start up an exercise program to lose a few pounds and get fit? Outstanding! Assuming your in good health and ready to go, here is some advice for beginners:
1. Start slow and easy, don't try to do too much, too soon!
2. Walk if you can't jog, 10 minutes or so and build up to 30.
3. Once your jogging, start out at an easy and comfortable pace, 10 minutes is a good start.
4. Every other day is a good way to begin. After a week, add a few minutes to your jog.
5. After a few weeks you should be able to jog for 30 minutes, 3 or 4 times a week.
6. Thats a great program!
7. Good running shoes are a must.
8. Calorie calculation requires a little effort, establishing your base and applying basic math to your program, will help you lose body fat.
9. Eat healthy foods, in moderation without distraction. Hydrate!
10. Get plenty of sleep, 7 hours or better yet 8 hours per night.
Today's Workout:
X25, W25
Run 80/7 miles
Bike 40/13 miles
Run 10/1+mile