Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Defecit Spending

Our body requires fuel to burn for physical activity.  How much fuel you need will depend in part upon the level of activity you undertake.  The Freqeuncy, Duration and Intensity of your workouts will factor into the total caloric burn.  Spending your calories wisely in moderate defecit, will cause you to lose body weight.  Accumulating more calories from the fuel you consume will result in gaining body weight.  Balance is the key to any long term fitness plan, just as it is for life itself.  Spend wisely, consume healthy fuels and create a moderate defecit and you will lose some weight while likely gaining a higher level of fitness over time.  In any event...enjoy it all!
Today's Workout
Bike  36/12+ miles
Run  36/4+ miles   
Bike  33/11+ miles
Run  33/3+ miles
Swim  10/400 yards

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