Saturday, November 7, 2009

November 7, 2009

Saturday Story
Today's Workout:
RUN: 54/5 miles, road run, easy pace, good run.
SWIM: 12/480 yards, pool, short, good power.
BIKE: 62/20+ miles, stationary, tired, pedaled thru it.
The Story:
Once upon a time there was a young boy who dreamed big dreams, he grew older and his dreams began to fade. Life's obstacles got him down. He succeeded in many things though he never took the time to really enjoy his accomplishments. He allowed negative thoughts to rule his mind. As a young man he persevered and despite difficulties and life's obstacles he moved forward in his life, doing what he thought others expected him to do, and he did them pretty well. The negative thoughts persisted in his mind. Later, he came to realize that he was not living his life fully, he began a search to find whatever it was he felt missing. He discovered great writers and thinkers and began to apply basic principles designed to replace the negative thoughts in his mind with positive thoughts. Almost immediately his life began to change. Slowly he became a better person and learned how to forgive and accept peace into his life. He learned about love and compassion. He began to take better care of himself, with exercise and diet. He experienced success on and off the job. When life's obstacles and difficulties came his way, he was able to power through the tough times for he had gained a wisdom and balance to his life. Though he suffered loss, and struggled from time to time, he never allowed depression to sink in and take over his life. He employed positive thinking to positive action and these efforts have produced positive results in all areas of his life. He lives today content, working each day to achieve success. He understands that life is a journey, that one can achieve happiness and peace, though these things are not permanent and one must learn to accept the ever changing circumstances of life. He knows his journey is not over, that he has yet much more to learn. He would tell you that each day is a new day of which there are many, many moments we can enjoy. He would suggest; if you can master the skills to think positive and take positive action, you will begin to experience a more positive life, while on your life's journey. Enjoy it all.

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