Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Achieving Success Part 2

(Refer to the Post on May 27 for Achieving Success Part 1)

Once you have defined what Success means to you and for yourself, you have the opportunity to accept this reality and make it your VISION. It is helpful to vision yourself as attaining the success, the more often the better. Our mind will seek to achieve what it is subjected to in the way of thoughts and your imagination is powerful.

Success defined and accepted becomes your vision. Achieving success, or your vision is a process. Unless you stumble upon the winning lotto ticket and you define your success in that winning lotto ticket, you will yet have some real work to do.

You must PRIORITIZE & ORGANIZE your way towards achieving your vision.

Consider some of the various aspects of your life: Family, Friends, Career, Personal Growth, Recreation, Travel, Education, and the list goes on...

Consider creating categories on a yellow pad for each of the various aspects. You will likely need to consider sub categories as well.

As an Example: Supposing you have a category labeled: PERSONAL HEALTH
you will need to sub categorize:

... within each of these subcategories you may want to further label: EXERCISE

You get the idea?

You need to plan out or organize yourself and then prioritize the categories & subcategories...

Three reasons for creating categories from the aspects of your life are:

1. There are several varying areas to consider allocating time and effort toward.
2. There are inter dependent relationships amongst the categories and subcategories.
3. There are simply only so many hours in each day! 24, I believe!

Breaking it down this way and putting some pencils and yellow pad to use here is designed to help you decide what is most important and what you must act upon immediately, how your choices will effect other efforts and how important it is to PRIORITIZE & ORGANIZE.

You may well discover the need to put off one endeavor despite it's attraction, simply because you must achieve in another area of your life, before you can possibly consider the area you initially desired to act upon. Likewise there will be areas than can be advanced upon simultaneously.
This used to be called," Killing Two Birds With One Stone."
This old school stuff, still works!
Though some will say, its not politically correct. My reply to that is.......bleeped.

So with your definition of success, comes your vision, then organize and prioritize yourself.
In Part 3, we will discuss ...THE BLUEPRINT. This will come in a later post, so stay tuned.

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