Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Believe And Succeed

Time passes, the days go by, weeks and months are checked off the calendar. Christmas is coming. You can't stop the hand of time. What you can do is take action in order to live your life as you determine. Whatever your circumstances and regardless of the conditions you find yourself in today, you can effect a better life for yourself. If you don't believe that, then your first step to getting somewhere from where you are is very basic. First you must try to Believe. You can begin to tell yourself that YOU CAN. You can AFFIRM the belief that you can take action to change or improve whatever it is you desire. Write it down...I BELIEVE I CAN TAKE ACTION TO SUCCEED. Say it to yourself ten times. Say it to yourself throughout the day.
You just may begin to believe it. Positive affirmations can work to change your way of thinking within your mind. You have to work at it, try it and you may surprise yourself. You will need to determine just what it is you desire to achieve, this may require some analysis, or you may instantly know what it is you desire. Define it and go after it with your best thoughts and intentions, draft a workable plan to attain your great desire. You may need to include a series of goals along the way. Think on it, work at it, plan it, be patient, be persistent, be positive. Be confident in your ability to achieve and succeed. You can if you think you can. Affirm it constantly. Obstacles can be overcome, problems can be solved, be creative and use the power you have within to begin your journey. I wish you all the positive energy and success to your rightful venture. Believe and Succeed.

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