Wednesday, October 14, 2009

October 14, 2009

Today's Workout:
X75, W, M
BIKE: 46 minutes, 15 miles, stationary.
RUN: 59 minutes, 5 miles, road run.
PM: SWIM: 15 minutes, 600 yards, pool.

Running along this morning somewhere around the 3.5 mile point, I stepped on uneven sidewalk or else my foot found a pothole that I didn't see. I turned my left ankle pretty badly. I could hear the muscle, ligaments, fibers, tendons pull, a terrible sound. I went to the ground. Immediately I told myself to be calm, the adrenaline was pumping throughout my body. I got up one one knee to make sure I could stand up before I did so. I took a few steps and limped on for a couple of minutes as the pain became acceptable and the stiffness in the ankle eased up. "Walking it off" is what we always called it in school and team sports. I was able to very slowly and carefully jog it back in, finishing up the run, without too much pain and without destroying my ankle in the process. At home, Kim helped me ice it up, I rested on the bed quietly for 15 minutes attempting to meditate. Tylenol X 2, showered and got out the door to work. We'll play it carefully today and ice it when I can. You never know what can happen unexpectedly at any given time. Patience, Persistence and Positivity really pulled me through this one.

Practice is the price of proficiency.

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