Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tortured Politics and Power

Politics and Power go hand in hand. Did Nancy Pelosi lie? Well we don't know yet. We do know that she did not present herself very well in the last few opportunities she has had to address the various questions that are being asked. Perhaps she did lie. Should she resign? Too early to tell, we have to learn more about what really happened.

There are other bigger problems here. Did Cheney suggest torture tactics in order to establish a link between Iraq and Al Queda? What was Rumsfelds's role? How about Bush? It is apparent now that we need some fact finding and public hearings of some sort.

Can we keep public hearings free from politics and power? Not entirely, but we can establish a committee or court or special investigator to establish the facts. Who knew what and when? Who authorized illegal torture if indeed it was authorized? We can find out along the way what Speaker Pelosi did or did not do as well.

We do need to look back and hold people accountable for their actions, regardless of political party or the position of power they hold. Some say we have bigger problems to face. We surely do. One action does not eliminate the possibility or prevent other actions, unless the political powers deem it in their best interests to use one issue as a wedge against others. It is a risk worth taking, for to move forward in an honest way we must address our past.

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