Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Every Now & Then

Every now and then I get to the point where I have to vent. I try to stay mostly away from the political world on this blog, and that's the way I like it. This being the First of July and the month where we celebrate our nations Indpendence, I feel so inclined to take advantage of speaking my opinion and so it goes.

A lot of the far right conservatives within the Republican party hide behind their so called moral standards and values. The simple truth is that they are beholden to their special interests in the world of business and profit. "Greed in America is Good", so said the Michael Douglas character in the 80's movie, Wall Street. Greed is not good, I say. Right here and right now in 2009.

More and more often we see the twisting of facts and outright lies being used by politicians on the far right in order to bring fear into the minds of the people. The spin is used because the truth will not serve their dishonest intent. Giving the business special interest what they want at any cost so that the campaign dollars continue to roll in, so that these false prophet politicians can remain in power.The only goal for many of these far right conservative Republicans who hold elected office? Keep their office.

The motivation to keep power and gain more power in politics is insatiable. This want for power exists within both of the major political parties. Are Democrats any more honest? Probably not, for the spin and lying liars are out there to promote their continued place of power.

What we get down to is what is mostly true, given that we are being deceived, how can we read between the lines and make a best guess at what is really going on? If you care, you have to read newspapers, Internet articles, blogs, books and magazines. You have to talk to people and watch people for how they react to questions and debate from the talking heads on TV. You have to learn about the people who broadcast the daily spin shows, you have to make determinations and try to be aware of current events.

No longer can one trust the nightly news anchor or the political analyst for pure truth and information, the spin is everywhere and you need to know who is spinning who. Know yourself and try to help others.

I sure hope we can solve some of these big problems we face as a nation. We have a pretty damned good leader in President Obama. No one person can be all things to all people, he is a great communicator and a mover of ideas to action. The Liars and Spinners will try to derail all the good he is trying to bring forth. Watch carefully, ask questions and never assume the opinion from the talking heads is fact. It's a tough task if you dare to make the effort, perhaps in the long run, your effort will be rewarded with some truth, and maybe just maybe we can rid some of the worst liars and spinners from their offices of power. Just a little honesty and truth in our goverment and those we elect, then some straightforward reporting and fact analysis without the endless spin, is that wanting too much? Perhaps so. Then do your homework and get to know all you can, so that you can rise above the liars and spinners. The lesser of two evils is too often times as good as it gets in the world of politics and government. Peace.

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