Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Various and Miscellaneous

Good Vibrations, a #1 song in 1966. By the Beach Boys, and the great Brian Wilson. It is a song with several songs within it. We could use a whole lot more Good Vibrations. There is a lot of division between the various self interests in this great country. Those of us who consider themselves a part of the working class and others less fortunate are big in numbers but our influence seems weak. Is it? It is when we accept things the way they are.
Don't stop believing in the possible.

Here then are a few one line thoughts about some of the issues of our day.

Health Care: Yes, we need reform, politicians will water it down, hope they don't drown it.

Iraq & Afghanistan: Peace. That's what I am for. Declare peace and bring em all home.

Our Nations Economy: Not good. One of my biggest fears. A long, slow and hard slog ahead.

California's Budget: A disaster. A governator that has failed to lead. Shameful politics.

Big Business: Despite the economy their power shapes all needed reform in DC.

Labor: Never united, always divided. A sleeping giant, if only the people would rise up.

The President: 6 months in, lots of effort towards action to be admired. Can't be all things.

Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sports: Don't freak out, over time they will subside.

Education: Where is the college assistance for the middle income earners?

Immigration: Welcome & Embrace change. Enforce the law upon employers.

Our Nations Poor: Maintain successful programs that help those in need.

Middle Management: Crisis in our workplace, provide leadership & personal skill training.

Wellness: Leadership and an all out effort, to educate and activate our nation.

Government: Be careful how you spend OUR money, live within your means.

Rich Folk: Support your country and those in need, don't scream about higher taxes.

The Media: Ain't what it used to be. Spin & special interests deprive us of truth and fairness.

Energy: We must adapt over time to green technology and sustainable fuels.

The Greater Good: Mostly forgotten as a national thought. We can each do better.

Religion: Your free to choose. Do your thing. Let others do theirs.

Beach Boys: Listen to their music, You will simply feel good doing so...Good Vibrations!

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